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International Pharmaceutical Federation

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global body representing pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical education. Through their 151 national organisations, academic institutional members and individual members, they represent over four million pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmaceutical educators around the world.

As part of Membership Value and Engagement Taskforce, CEO Dr. Catherine Duggan was working on new membership fee structure for FIP. Increso not only was invited to assess this new membership fee structure, but also to come up with new opportunities and value to service FIP’s members on a more individual need.

A 6 month project that has provided new insights enabling the Executive Committee to take a decision regarding the new membership fee structure and that provided a tailor made new products and services not only of the 151 national member organisations but also for the almost 800,000 individual members of these member organisations.

More information on the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) can be found at www.fip.org

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Increso - Event industry solutions
Increso - Event industry solutions